Worpshop in Dubai, 8th od June, 7-9pm. This is a workshop for anyone who wants to bring more peace and relaxation into their lives, or is under stress, feels inner tension, can find it difficult to relax, is emotionally easily irritated, or carries early trauma…

Find out how to release tension and stress from the body
Group work

DUBAI, 8th of June, 7-9pm
Skanda Yoga Center

Find out how to release tension and stress from the body
Group work

DUBAI, 8th of June, 7-9pm
Skanda Yoga Center

Overcoming tension – TRE and body psychotherapy workshop is designed to give you a first-hand experience how to better deal with everyday stress and feelings of anxiety, to find some answers about your own patterns and believes in life, and to experience the benefits of Integral Body Psychotherapy (IBP) as an group and individual psychotherapy modality.

TRE is one of many tehniques that emerged from body psychotherapy, and a great tool to achieve more peace and relaxation within our lives

This is also an introductory workshop for personal development programs starting in Dubai from internationally accredited institute and school of Integral Body Psychotherapy (IPD Center and School)

This workshop is for you if:

  • You are not happy with the amount of stress, worry or tension in your life
  • You want to learn simple strategies to build resilience to stressful situations and find better focus and inner peace
  • You want to find out more about how our early development (childhood experiences) affects our lives

After the workshop you can find out more about:

1. What is Integral Body Psychotherapy (IBP)
2. How to change the functioning and states in ourselves that we are not happy with
2. How to enroll in Integral Body Psychotherapy school and become internationally licensed IBP psychotherapist

TRE (Trauma & Tension Releasing Exercises) is for anyone who wants to bring more peace and relaxation into their lives, or is under stress, feels inner tension, finds it difficult to relax, is emotionally irritable, or carries early trauma. They were designed by Dr. David Bercelli with the purpose of releasing stress from the body, relieving tension or completing a traumatic experience that may be from the earliest period so that we do not remember it, but it affects our inner psychological and emotional state.
Stress and trauma are an integral part of life, but the natural mechanisms for relieving the body of stress in humans have stunted us. Animals in the wild are often under stress (whether they have a hard time finding food or trying not to become prey) and are often in a life-threatening state – when experiencing a traumatic experience.

What we can see in them is that, unlike humans, they have far fewer or no health consequences after experiencing a stressful or traumatic experience. This is because they activate a natural mechanism that deals with the consequences of stress and trauma. We have the same mechanism, but it has been inhibited. It is about tremors, vibrations and involuntary shaking of the body. Unfortunately, our culture and upbringing consider trembling and tremor of the body as a sign of weakness, so we begin to suppress and control this natural mechanism of release very early and thus develop a mechanism of retention of stress and trauma in our body and nervous system. TRE exercises activate the old natural mechanism for releasing tension and stress from the nervous system and over time (along with other sel development work) contribute to achieving a state of inner peace.


No preparations and prior knowledge are required to perform TRE exercises, and the work in the workshop can be adapted to each person individually. A series of exercises are designed to first warm up, stretch and prepare the muscles that are activated during a state of stress or emotional trauma. As we prepare the body for the release of stress and trauma through exercise, we observe, monitor and feel the sensations that take place in the body all the time. In this way we get to know our own body better and what is going on in it.

Thorough preparation is followed by the main exercise, which serves to release stress and trauma that are stored and stuck in the body, and to induce (activate) the natural mechanism of tremor (although tremor may occur in previous exercises). Involuntary trembling releases tension in the body and blocked energy that is activated in stressful situations, and we have not “spent” it through natural programs of struggle or flight.

This animated video provides a simple and understandable explanation of how TRE works.


Integral Body Psychotherapy (IBP) is deep relational therapy that bases its methodology on the current paradigm shift in therapeutic work from the analytical, explicit, conscious, rational, verbal left hemisphere of the brain to the implicit, integrative, unconscious, nonverbal, body-oriented emotional right hemisphere of the brain.

Integral Body Psychotherapist is deeply aware that what ultimately leads to change in the client is a relationship of acceptance, openness, empathy, and respect by the presence of the therapist and meeting the client in his/her own truth.

Through IBP we aim to change our own emotional, relational, psychological functions that we are not satisfied with, in a way that we deal with the root, not the manifestation of the problem.
The root is in our unconscious, which was formed in the early period (childhood), which we can get to know better and change undesirable patterns through deep therapeutic work.


Tomislav is the founder of Integral Body Psychotherapy and the IPD Center and Integral Body Psychotherapy School. He is holder od ECP (European Certificate in Psychotherapy), member of the EABP (European Association for Body Psychotherapy), psychotherapist and a supervisor. He is the author of programs about early development and parenting, personal development and education and training for psychotherapists of Integral Body Psychotherapy.

Tomislav is deeply dedicated to this work. He truly believes in group work and group dynamics where he is constantly connecting personal experience with the scientific explanation behind that experience, and giving people new and important insights into why we are the way we are.


Jane Kramar is a longtime therapist and supervisor at the IPD Center and Integral Body Psychotherapy School. She is holder of ECP (European Certificate in Psychotherapy) and member of the EABP (European Association for Body Psychotherapy). She is also an TRE certified provider. Driven by passion and experience in conducting workshops, she achieves notable results with participants who introduce knowledge and experience from workshops and programs into their daily lives and visibly improve the quality of life.



Date & time: 8th of June, 7-9pm

Location: Skanda Yoga Center
Lynx tower, 202

Office building, Dubai Silicon Oasis, UAE
Landmark – Opposite the upcoming Lulu Mall

Promotional price: 190 AED
*Promotional price for the workshop is 190 AED, and is paid in cash upon arrival. The number of places is limited and registrations are required

For further information about Integral Body Psychotherapy, how to entroll in educational and personal development programs and became a licensed psychotherapist please contact us on: